Through the cracks in my heart
The light of the cosmos enters
Though the light of my heart
I return to oneness, wholeness,
& love
I am unravelling
I am unravelling from a lifetime of lies & misalignment
Of conditioning
Of conforming
Of people pleasing
Of trying to fit into a world that I was never meant to be apart of
Born into this world by the hands of fear
My own birth in a place where sick people go
The matrix already had a hold of me
Within the hands of a man with plastic gloves welcoming me into this world of fear
Where women had forgotten the power to not only create life but to birth it
A world that sucked the life force out of me
That severed me from the power of womb
From the blood of life
From the feminine
From the mother beneath my feet
As I worshipped a man in the sky
A world where I was thought suffering and pain was just how it was
That I must get up every day and go somewhere that I did not want to go
To school, to un-i-form
That is to be like everyone else
Stripping me of me
Of my authenticity
Where my soul gifts &psychic powers were not nurtured or honoured
Where the stamp of the matrix was given out
Setting me up for a life tied to this world of suffering
At 5 years of age crying at the injustice of it all
A deep knowing
It didn’t need to be like this
As an adult dreading the days of returning to work
Suffering 5 days a week
To break loose 2 days a week
While drowning the dread of this cycle in pools of alcohol
Numbing numbing numbing
This existence
Sleepless nights
My intuition screaming at me
Stop this madness
There is another world available to you
Free from this pain and suffering
My body failing me now
Unable to be of this world for a day longer
So I entered
This otherworld
On this earth
That was here all along
That of freedom, justice, love, joy, bliss, creativity & fun
Where the dream gets to be lived out each and every day
My life being one big holiday that I no longer need to escape from
Where the power of my womb is truly embraced & honoured
But the unravelling continues
From lifetimes of conforming
That lives within my cells
Exhaustion as I unlearn &shed
Rebirthing myself to ME
I am not here to be like everyone else
To conform
I am choosing to create heaven here on Earth
To be my most aligned truest self
Crashing Waves
Kneeling faintly at the footsteps of the deep initiations
That crash like waves over me again and again and again
I deeply bow & surrender
And I say thank you
Thank you for pulling me into truth
The truth that dissolves all shadows
Deep into my inner well of knowing
That I called you in
Every single one of you
Cracking me open
Into the utter destruction that is the awakening path
For change is my natural state
Like a caterpillar morphing into the butterfly
The beast becoming the beauty
Crawling out of the shell of my ancestral pains & deep untruths
For the bud to become the Rose
Through the crashing waves I rebirth myself again & again & again
A million thousand pieces I lie on the womb of the ocean floor
Calling all parts of my higher self back into my body to be become whole & holy once again
Chaos, heartbreak, pain & love
I say thank you
For reminding me of why I came here
For my soul to expand & stretch beyond all limitations
A promise I made to myself eons ago
To return here now
In the midst of this Golden Age
To reclaim The Way of Love
To remember the mysteries of the Rose
Grounded in peace
Heart wide open
Kneeling at the footsteps of these crashing waves
I trust
From the ecstasy to the agony
To the joy to the grief
The bloom to the fall
That life is happening for me not to me
For the pain is the portal to my souls liberation
And I am no longer afraid of these crashing waves
River of Grief
The river of grief washing over me
Pulling me into the depths of her
Calling me deeper into the unseen waters of my soul
Of my subconscious
Such pain that dwells there
That feeling of the heart collapsing in
Where death almost feels close
The river of grief that feels never ending
Oceans of tears releasing now
My dearest friend
That which shows me the way
The way of release and surrender
The grief that beckons me
That’s stops me in my tracks
Please see me
Please witness me
It is safe
Now is the time
Lifetimes of grief
Now being released
Seven generations of ancestral pain
Now safe to be seen
Grieve Dear one
Now is the time
Now it is safe